Dehydration is an insidious condition that can sneak up on you. In fact, unless you're paying attention to the symptoms, you may not realize it's coming until it's already struck! Many of the signs of dehydration are common to other conditions, so you'll want to pay attention to the various symptoms as a whole to determine if you need to replenish yourself. Since dehydration often occurs during warm weather and intense physical activity, you'll want to be sure that it doesn't put a damper on your day. The best way to prevent dehydration is to drink lots of water throughout the day and give it a boost with our collagen products!
If you aren't a big fan of drinking plain water, add some flavor! Great Lakes Wellness offers quick-dissolve collagen peptide products in a variety of flavors including raspberry lemonade, lemon lime and mixed berry. Adding collagen to your water gives you a one-two punch to help your body get what it needs to look and feel its best by supporting healthy skin, hair, and nails*. Collagen also helps maintain the integrity of your joints, helping you to stay active as you age. So drink up, stay hydrated, and give your water a boost with our collagen products!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.

Changes in urine
The darker your urine, the more likely it is you are dehydrated. When you're not getting sufficient water, your urine will become more concentrated as your body attempts to hold onto the water it has remaining, which leads to its characteristic darker color. Because your urine will be comprised of less water, you'll also notice yourself urinating less frequently. Prolonged dehydration is also conducive to forming kidney stones -- something no one wants to experience!Headache
One of the first symptoms of dehydration is a headache, which can range from a mild annoyance to a severe migraine. These headaches are commonly exacerbated by moving your head or engaging in physical activity. You may also feel drowsy or fatigued, tired and irritable. Once a dehydration headache strikes, it may take an hour or two of rehydration and rest before the headache dissipates, so a proactive approach can help you avoid a lot of frustration.
Changes in skin texture
Well-hydrated skin has a characteristic "glow" to it, whereas dehydrated skin has more visible wrinkles and less elasticity. To determine if your skin is dehydrated, you can do the "pinch test" by pulling the skin on your arm up with two fingers, and then releasing. If it snaps back, you are well hydrated, but if it slowly sinks back then it's definitely a sign you need to consume more water and electrolytes. Making it a point to stay hydrated will keep your skin looking healthy.Changes in hair and nails
Prolonged dehydration can also impact hair and nail growth, as your body attempts to conserve water for vital functions. Although you may not notice it for some time due to hair and nails taking so long to grow, failing to maintain adequate hydration can make your hair look dull, listless or brittle, and hair growth may slow down or stop entirely. Nails may also become brittle or split entirely.
Joint Mobility
Being dehydrated means that your body is less able to dedicate water to maintaining synovial fluid, the liquid in your joints that cushions the ends of your bones, which reduces friction and the impact of your bones pushing against each other as you move.
A proactive approach is necessary
A common theme in many of the symptoms of dehydration is how you may not notice them until you've already been suffering their effects for some time, and that once you increase your fluid intake it may take some time for things to return to normal. For that reason, it's absolutely critical that you take a proactive approach to ensure symptoms never appear in the first place.If you aren't a big fan of drinking plain water, add some flavor! Great Lakes Wellness offers quick-dissolve collagen peptide products in a variety of flavors including raspberry lemonade, lemon lime and mixed berry. Adding collagen to your water gives you a one-two punch to help your body get what it needs to look and feel its best by supporting healthy skin, hair, and nails*. Collagen also helps maintain the integrity of your joints, helping you to stay active as you age. So drink up, stay hydrated, and give your water a boost with our collagen products!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.